Jon Stewart Monday night had a great time mocking the candidates who spoke at the GOP's Iowa Freedom Summit this weekend, suggesting most will likely just...
Watch as likely GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson jokes about same-sex couples trying to "force" anti-gay bakers to make wedding cakes for them.
A majority of Republicans says Mitt's their man, or at least, they'd like to see him try to be. Again. Who else is in the mix?...
When it comes to understanding the institution he most attacks, Mike Huckabee has a large imagination and not much else.
Rick Santorum is claiming the mantle of the most level-headed person in the GOP race to the White House.
It is quite possible Republicans have never been angrier at President Barack Obama than they are today.
Fact checkers at PolitiFact have named their annual "Lie of the Year" and credited Fox News and Republican lawmakers in Congress with its spread.
Apple CEO Tim Cook, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and six others are on Time magazine's short list for the Person of the year award. Who are...
Conservative blogger Charles C. Johnson unleashed an ugly rant on Twitter, including his "plan" for "HRC," presumably Hillary Rodham Clinton, and his belief that "Obama is...
The American Family Association's David Lane is teaming up with Republican governor Bobby Jindal to remake the face of American politics into the face of Jesus.
Rick Santorum continues to tack to the right, praising racist North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms and attacking President Obama as a racial divider.
President Obama issues a strong request for the FCC to implement net neutrality rules, so of course Republicans and conservatives began their usual freak out.
Let's be really clear about what happened on Election Day.
An anti-gay Russian lawmaker wants his country to ban Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, from entering Russia, claiming he could bring with him infectious diseases.
Apple CEO Tim Cook, the most powerful chief executive in the corporate world, has officially acknowledged he is gay.