Jobs Were Announced in 2015
Trump Made No Comment About The People in His Building
Trump Says He's a 'Smart Person'
'Insane and Spineless' 'Seems Like a Manipulation'
When He Becomes President, Trump 'Could Clear Them Himself'
Jake Tapper Sets The Record Straight - There Are Now 9 Trump Accusers
From Sexual Assault to Walking in on Naked Teen Beauty Contestants, Allegations Against Trump Grow
'I Could Be the First Presidential Candidate to Run and Make Money on It'
Appears to Violate IRS Rules Against Self-Dealing
'Uncovered Over $635,000 in Questionable Contributions to Bondi's Campaign While Her Office Was Considering a Case Against Trump University'
'This Is How American Culture Will End' One Staffer Wrote of the Appointment of a Muslim-American Judge
Mar-a-Lago Butler Said 'This Prick' Obama 'Needs to Be Hung for Treason!!!' and 'Taken Out by Our Military and Shot as an Enemy Agent'
'I Wrote That. I Believe That' He Confirms
A New Cold War, Jihadi Terrorism Destabilizing the Global Economy, President Donald Trump
Failed GOP Candidate Who Proved Campaign Was Merely Money-Making Machine to Endorse GOP Frontrunner