'The Stock Market Just Hit a Record High. Unemployment Is the Lowest It's Been in 17 Years. So You're Fighting for Something Real, You're Fighting for...
5:25 AM Tweet From Mar-a-Lago
"If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, 'Hold on a second. I need to...
Trump Jr., Wife, and Conway No Longer Protected
$1.1 Million - and Likely Much, Much More
Numerous International Trips and Golf Cart Rentals
'You Can't Wash This One Away by Shaking My Hand and Saying I'm Sorry. I'm Not Forgiving for That'
'Implementing President Trump's Ban Would Cost $960 Million in Pursuit of Savings of $8.4 Million Per Year'
'I Offered for Nothing to Build a $50 Million Ballroom' in the White House, Trump Said
A new poll conducted this week found that the majority of Americans support transgender military service, disagreeing with the president.
Conway Stunningly Claims Trump Tweeting Is 'The Democratization of Information'
White House Also Defends President
'He's a Profoundly Damaged Person and Every Day He Further Debases This Great Nation'