At a hurricane briefing on Wednesday, President Donald Trump showed an outdated forecast for Hurricane Dorian which coincidentally corresponds with an incorrect prediction that he had...
Appears to be the same logo used by a pro-Trump Dutch Twitter account that reportedly has promoted white supremacism.
'Could Present an Uncomfortable Situation for Trump'
On Friday the full weight of the Mueller report sunk in.
Trump is taking Good Friday off, but woke up in Mar-a-Lago and took to Twitter to continue his attacks.
"Executive Privilege doesn't prevent you from obstructing justice if you're firing the people investigating you."
Trump claims "This is the highest level of Presidential Harassment in the history of our Country!" President Abe Lincoln probably would have disagreed.
Total Humanitarian Aid to the 3 Countries in 2017 Less Than Taxpayers Have Spent on Trump's Golfing Trips
No Legal Requirement for White House to Be Allowed Executive Privilege, Nadler Says
Among Graham's targets for investigation appear to be: the FBI and the DOJ, Hillary Clinton, Jim Comey, and the FISA warrant process.
Nunes, who recently sued a fictitious cow, slams the unreleased report.
'Nothing Short of That Will Suffice'
'Mad King Foreign Policy'
Just-created group already gets "Fox & Friends" segment.
President Now Getting Mocked for Making Up New Story About 'Tim Apple' Slip-Up to Save Face After Being Mocked About Saying 'Tim Apple'