The Washington National Cathedral, home to America’s Episcopal Church, has opened its doors to same-sex couples who wish to marry. The Washington Post writes: In some...
Dr. Ben Carson has officially decided he will decline Johns Hopkins’ invitation to be this year’s commencement speaker after his offensive comments became a major distraction...
The latest darling of the Tea Party says that gays, pedophiles, “people who believe in bestiality,” and “NAMBLA” don’t get to “redefine” marriage. Dr. Ben Carson,...
Opponents of marriage equality in Minnesota recently came under fire for comparing the campaign tactics of gay-rights supporters to the tactics of Germany’s Nazi Party in...
Image: Jean Podrasky, (right,) and her partner, Grace Fasano. Photo by Adam Bouska for the NoH8 Campaign. A few weeks ago the U.S. Supreme Court heard...
One of the witnesses who testified for the defense, Lauren McNamara, shares her thoughts on the least-discussed aspect of the Bradley Manning WikiLeaks trial: the need...
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden hosted their annual LGBT pride month celebration today in the White House — something no other president has...
Brendon Ayanbadejo, the outspoken NFL linebacker who became a household name for his support of LGBT civil rights, was released by the Baltimore Ravens last night....
To regain relevancy and survive, conservatives — Republicans, libertarians, Tea Party members, independents — must clearly choose between returning to their true, core principles (e.g., fiscal...
U.S. Senator Rand Paul delivered a speech to students at Howard University, an historically African-American college — which was possibly brave, since the Kentucky Tea Party/Republican...
GetEQUAL LGBT activists have been pressuring President Obama to sign an executive order extending non-discrimination for LGBT workers employed by federal contracts, while hoping  Obama will...
Brian Brown, president of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, last night claimed that “Gay and lesbian people already enjoy full equal rights under the law,”...
Slams GOP Shutdown ‘Farce’ Talking about the GOP shutdown and Obamacare, President Obama yesterday asked workers at a Rockville, Maryland construction company what would happen if...
Voters in Maine, Maryland, and Washington will be glad to learn that their votes to extend civil marriage to same-sex couples comes with the added benefit...
Ellen Degeneres today via Twitter lauded Minnesota Vikings Chris Kluwe‘s activism supporting same-sex marriage and equality, and pointed to this his video, below, saying this “is how...