The lynchpin of the religious right's anti-gay hate is that gay people choose to be gay, and can be changed. Will Obama's call to ban this...
Essayist Max S. Gordon dares to take a close, hard look at some untouchables in modern TV entertainment.
The longest serving woman in the history of Congress and one of a dwindling number of Democratic women in the Senate, will retire.
U.S. Senator Rand Paul until recently was a longtime member of a fringe medical groups whose beliefs include AIDS denialism and autism is caused by vaccines.
Mitt Romney will announce "an update" this morning on an 11:00 AM call to supporters.
Justice Elena Kagan, for the first time, officiated at the wedding on a same-sex couple.
32 State Attorneys General late yesterday filed amicus briefs urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a same-sex marriage case.
Fired former NFL punter and LGBT supporter Chris Kluwe has reached a settlement with his former employer, which he says includes "a substantial amount" for five...
A Tampa church reneged on burying a legally-married gay man less than 24 hours before his scheduled funeral.
So-called "ex-gay" therapy is the foundation of many anti-gay beliefs, policies, and laws -- if gays can change, then being gay is a choice. Now, nine...
Former Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe's outspoken support of same-sex marriage, he believes, cost him his job. Now he's charging his team's owners with reneging on...
If the "English-only" crowd is going to demand President Barack Obama deport millions of immigrants, shouldn't the far right first be required to learn to spell?
If you believe God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh, if you believe the earth is less than ten million years...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Tony Perkins is the head of the Family Research Council, a certified anti-gay hate group whose clear mission is the destruction of civil...
President Barack Obama today spoke on “common-sense measures to reduce gun violence.” Full video and transcript. WATCH: Newtown Parent: ‘It’s Alway’s Somebody Else’s School — Until...