Maryland’s Bishop Harry Jackson, deeply in bed with both NOM and Tony Perkins, yesterday publicly attacked Barack Obama’s support of same-sex marriage, demanding to know if the...
Mark Regnerus’ so-called  study of children of gay parents has  failed the rigorous  standards demanded by  academic peer review and his work is now under heightened...
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, fresh from his transvaginal ultrasound pre-abortion mandate battle, now is turning hid attention to marriage equality, gay rights, and the ability to...
A gay marriage bill will be introduced in the state of Rhode Island Thursday, the final day bills may be introduced. Last year Rhode Island passed...
On Sunday, Maryland Pastor Dennis Leatherman delivered a sermon titled, “Homosexuality & the Bible,” during which he said, discussing homosexuals, “Kill them all. Right? I will...
An African-American Pastor in Dallas, Texas preaches to his congregation that President Obama supports same-sex marriage because he is the President of the United States, not...
A long-time White House “reporter” is linking the recent pedophilia cases, like Penn State and the L.A. schoolteachers to homosexuality, and is attacking gay rights organizations...
MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts interviewed the president of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, Brian Brown, about today’s vote attempting to repeal same-sex marriage equality in New Hampshire,...
Yesterday’s tragic shooting at a Chardon, Ohio high school left one teen dead at the scene. Now, reports have come that a second and a third teen...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has now “swiped” three copyright-protected photos, and used them, apparently without proper authorization, in apparent violation of U.S. copyright law....
Complete list of all senators and how they voted on the debt ceiling and deficit reduction bill, S. 365, which pased the Senate by a vote...
Ron Paul is being scrutinized for anti-gay, anti-Israel, racist newsletters that were published two decades ago when Paul was not a member of Congress, but was...
Julian Bond, the former chairman of the NAACP, and the first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, supports same-sex marriage equality, as he discusses in this...
Via YouTube: Say what you will about Bank of America, but they gave their LGBT employees a pretty remarkable gift this week. A phony anti-gay survey...
Tony Perkins’ certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit kicks off Friday morning, and runs all weekend long, October 7-9. Watch live streaming...