Republican Says 'I'd Gladly Execute a Convicted Adulterer, Sodomite or Bestialiter'
'Was a Danger to Himself and Others'
Under Federal Law Shooter Should Not Have Been Able to Purchase Guns
'There's Got to Be a Thorough Investigation Into the Effect of Antidepressants' Robertson Insists
Multiple people have reportedly been killed or injured, including children, after a gunman opened fire at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas early Sunday.
Smith Becomes 24th Republican to Announce They Are Not Seeking Re-Election
'Show Me Your Papers' Law Temporarily Halted
'Very Little in Terms of Empathy From This President'
'This Is Historic. It's Epic!' President Says
'Within 24 Hours After President Trump's Tweet Regarding Transgender Military Service Members, Contacts From Transgender Individuals Spiked'
HB2 Style Bill Would Devastate Transgender Texans, and the Texas Economy
Texas Supreme Court Allows Politics to Decide Law
LGBT Group Vows to Sue
What was unacceptable a decade ago is now not only acceptable, but rewarded. And that's a problem.
Bill Protects 'Provider's Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs'