Republican Nominee Leads By Only 6 Points in Nation's Largest Red State
Rabidly Anti-LGBT State Rep. Matt Shaheen: 'If a Company Like Target Wants to Leave, I'll Help Them Pack and Leave'
Unfazed by NCAA Announcement, Lieutenant Governor Recklessly Risks $75 Million for San Antonio
'I've Met With Black Lives Matter. Has He?' Austin's Art Acevedo Says
Also Calls Protesters at Scene Thursday Night 'Hypocritical'
Responds to New York Economic Development Ads Targeting Discriminatory States
Supreme Court Reverses Fifth Circuit Ruling on Republican-Backed Law
Irion County's Molly Criner: 'We Don't Discuss Marriage Policy Over the Phone'
Sodom Was 'The First Queer Mass Murder' Says Stedfast Baptist Church's Donnie Romero
Wade Wilkes of KRFE AM580 in Lubbock Also Claims Victims Were 'Getting Lit' on 'Illegal Drugs'
Republican Dan Patrick Invoked Bible Messages Seemingly Against LGBT People In Apparent Response to Worst Terror Attack Since 9/11
Anti-LGBT Group Says City's Proposed EEO Policy Amounts to 'Bathroom War on City Property'
Timing of Incident Suggests State GOP Leaders' Anti-Trans Rhetoric May Be Fueling Harassment
Greg Abbott Slams President Who Signed the Voting Rights Act
Tells All Schools to Ignore Obama Administration Guidelines on Protecting Transgender Children's Civil Rights