Civil Rights Group Calls Ken Paxton's Lawsuit 'A Political Stunt'
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Filed Suit Today
Republican Governor Wants to Ensure Transgender Students Are Not Treated Equally
'Major Lawsuit' Announcement Expected Today
State Dodges 'Education Train Wreck' With Defeat of Mary Lou Bruner
Lesbian Mother Says Superintendent's Statements Create Unsafe Environment for LGBT Families, Youth
Texas GOP Politics Grow Increasingly Uglier - Republican Denies Allegations That He's 'Well Known' in Houston's Gay Bars
Plank Also Suggests Founding Fathers Supported Homosexuality
With Bizarre Tweets Texas Governor Shoots for the Moon, Lt. Governor 'Shoots' at Restrooms
Calls for Overturning Same-Sex Marriage, 'Dispelling the Myth of Separation of Church and State,' Supports Anti-LGBT 'Religious Freedom' Legislation
Press Secretary Josh Earnest Takes Swing at Republican Dan Patrick's Off-the-Rails Comments
Dan Patrick Says Allowing Transgender Students Equality Is the 'Biggest Issue Facing Families and Schools in America Since Prayer Was Taken Out of Public Schools'
Historic Announcement by Obama Administration to Protect Transgender Students Dismissed by Administrator
Supporters, Opponents of New Guidelines to Gather in Fort Worth on Tuesday