46th Annual G-7 Summit will be held at the Trump National Doral in Miami Florida
"In terms of impeachable behavior, that is conduct that applies not just to the president but other high-ranking officers."
Despite being implicated in the scandal, Giuliani has continued to speak out in attempts to defend the work he did with Trump to solicit foreign election...
And yet Trump insists he doesn't know the Ukrainian businessman.
"It’s a breathtaking aspect of this unfolding scandal,” New Yorker journalist Susan Glassner says.
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, “assisted Mr. Giuliani in connection with his representation of President Trump."
"Showered Republican campaign committees with nearly $500,000."
Both are Trump donors.
Not the first time Secretary DeVos's agency has been berated for refusing to follow the law over loan payments.
Perry worked to pressure the Ukraine president.
"This is going to document itself up the ladder to Pompeo."
The CIA’s top attorney filed a criminal referral with the Justice Dept. in response to an intelligence official’s now famous whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump,...
It seems President Donald Trump isn't just afraid of running against former Vice President Joe Biden in 2020.
Among Ambassador Yovanovitch's missteps, the Journal reports "she was 'very close' to Mr. Biden."
"The discussion with Mr. Morrison shows the president using high-level diplomacy to advance his personal political interests."