The NFL is being hit hard.
In a performative gesture that does nothing to discourage police from killing Black people, the National Football League has decided to jump on the feel-good Black-ally...
He has yet to denounce Focus On The Family or conversion therapy, nor has he promised to sever his partnership with the anti-LGBTQ group.
"I'm a talented football player, a damn good writer, a loving son, an overbearing brother, a caring friend, a loyal lover, and a bisexual man."
"It's like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, we're being assaulted by the left," Owens says. "And we need to understand who they are. They're globalists, and they're...
Trump Orders Protesting NFL Players Be Suspended. He Can't Do That.
'Pay Tribute to the Greatest Country in the History of the World, Pay Tribute to This President' Demands Charlie Kirk
Falsely Claims NFL Owner Is 'Encouraging a Movement Premised on Lies vs. Police'
Trump Suggests Citizenship Is Conditional
"If the team gets fined, that’s just something I'll have to bear."
"The NFL making players (and lets face it, it’s about black players) stand for the anthem is not only appeasing racists, it’s un-American," says one person....