Huge, Potentially Precedent-Setting Decision
'Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?'
Irion County's Molly Criner: 'We Don't Discuss Marriage Policy Over the Phone'
Argued Same-Sex Marriage Would 'Impose Significant Public Harm'
Australian Christian Lobby Leader Also Lashes Out at Anti-Bullying Programs in Schools
Huge Win, Huge Margin
"Just because our faith is personal, doesn't mean it's private," says new video.
Mexican President Brings Nation Closer to Equality
A Kentucky Archdiocese Says Depiction of Supreme Court, Interlocking Wedding Bands Conflicts with Church Teaching
State Won't Let Married Couple, Who Are Lesbians, Have Both Parents' Names on Birth Certificate
Commission Files Six Charges Against Anti-Gay Judge
'Not Simply About Legal Rights but About a Sense of Stigma'
Iconic National Service Advocate and Former U.S. Senator Harris Wofford Announces He's Getting Married, and Explains Why Love Is Love
Two-Year Study of 1.25 Billion Catholics Culminates in Call for More Welcoming Church, but Policy on Same-Sex Marriage Remains the Same
Federal Appeals Court Issues Strongly-Worded Ruling Against Lower Court Judge