Forces LGBT Catholics to Choose Between Their Soul Mate and Their Soul
Trump's silence on Pride is his acceptance -- ours would be our undoing.
'So-Called Homosexual Marriages'
'A True Fascist'
Majority of Republicans Still Do Not Support Equality
"We Have Trampled on Your Holy Institution of Holy Matrimony and Tried to Rewrite What It Is and We've Called It an 'Alternate Lifestyle'" Rep. Weber...
Ohio Congressman Says Action Is Needed to Protect Religious Liberty in the Light of the Supreme Court's Recent Redefinition of Marriage'
Rep. Conaway Is Now Head of House Intelligence Russia Investigation
County Clerk Allegedly Called Their Relationship an 'Abomination to God'
Chief Sponsor is a Christian Minister
Bill Could Cost Taxpayers $1 Million to Defend in Court, and a Nationwide Boycott Costing Billions if Signed Into Law
'Any Revelation of My Personal Views on This Matter Would Indicate to People How I Might Rule as a Judge'
'And I'm Telling You I Don't'
Gorsuch Believes There Is No Right to Privacy, and Thus No Right to Abortion or Same-Sex Marriage Gorsuch Senate Confirmation Hearings Begin Monday Morning
'A Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex Is Void'