“Maggie Gallagher has blood on her hands,†says GOP presidential candidate, Fred Karger, of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Chair, regarding gay teen suicides. “No...
Duncan Hunter, a GOP U.S. Congressman from California told Tony Perkins today that the “homosexual lobby” wants “a military takeover by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender...
MSNBC’s Chuck Todd today interviewed Family Research Council (FRC) leader Tony Perkins. Perkins heads the SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group FRC, and is responsible — directly and indirectly...
The anti-gay religion-based group, New Yorkers For Constitutional Freedoms today, represented by Liberty Counsel, filed an 89-count complaint (below) in New York State Supreme Court attempting to...
Bryan Fischer, who spends his days talking about the “evils” of homosexuality (you know what they say about homophobes…) talks with a psychology professor who states...
Tony Perkins, the homophobic, hate-mongering president of the certified hate group, the Family Research Council, is grasping at straws over Gallup’s latest poll on same-sex marriage, the...
Anti-gay hate group leader Tony Perkins, president of the certified hate group Family Research Council (FRC) Friday morning said, “This has moved from cultural terrorism to corporate...
Editor’s note: This guest post by Scott Wooledge was originally published at Daily Kos and is published here with his permission. Scott Wooledge writes at the...
(Note: above email was corrected to read “without” editing. No one’s perfect!) Regular readers know that last Friday, after two posts highlighting American Family Association’s American...
Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, a self-anointed think tank for Concerned Women for America (CWA), apparently has no idea how to...
A new study released by Gallup finds that only 17% of Americans who vote or lean Republican say social issues and moral values are important, and...
At the “Rediscover God in America” fundraiser for hate group-associated Florida Family Policy Council Thursday night in Des Moines, Iowa, soon-to-be presidential candidate Mike Huckabee spoke against same-sex...
A new poll released today finds a large majority of American Catholics — 71% — support civil marriage equality for same-sex couples. The report also finds...
The certified hate group Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg debated marriage equality advocate Freedom to Marry founder Evan Wolfson today on MSNBC. Sprigg is best-known to...
Republican presidential aspirants Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Haley Barbour, and Michele Bachmann are teaming up with Tony Perkins, president of the certified hate group the Family...