Clinton: 'Of Course I Take Absolute Personal Responsibility. I Was the Candidate. I Was the Person Who Was on the Ballot.'
Here's What You Need to Know to Start Your Day
Clinton Says She Takes 'Absolute Personal Responsibility' for Campaign Mistakes
Trump Cozying Up to Murderous Thugs
Welcome to Day 98 of Sean Spicer's World of Alternative Facts
'The White House Is Covering Up for Michael Flynn' Says Rep. Cummings * Democrats Charge Trump White House Refusing to Release Any Documents
What You Need to Know to Start Your Day
Gay Men Across Chechnya Are Sharing Stories of Kidnapping and Torture
'Let's Remember 2018' - Warns Progress That 'We Celebrated and Maybe Even Took for Granted May Not Be as Secure as We Once Expected'
Presidenting Is Hard
Rep. Conaway Is Now Head of House Intelligence Russia Investigation
'We Are Against All Forms of Discrimination, Including Against People Based on Sexual Orientation'
Trump also mocked yesterday's Tax Marches, his stance on China and boasted about his "impossible" election win in his Easter message.
Trump's requests presents "Range of Fresh Headaches" for UK
'Grab 'Em by The Net Operating Loss Carryforward Tax Deduction'