Microsoft, part owner of the online news site, has sold its remaining stake in the NBC-Microsoft news giant to NBC, itself owned by Comcast Cable. The future...
Bradlee Dean, the Christian rocker and youth minister who sued MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in a $50 million defamation lawsuit and was recently ordered to pay Maddow’s court...
Governor Scott Walker, during Wednesday night’s Republican National Committee Convention, repeated the Romney campaign lie that Barack Obama was responsible for the 2008 Janesville, Wisconsin auto plant closing...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Rachel Maddow last night pointed out that all 19 House of Representatives Committee Chairs will be straight white men. No women. No...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; What was it like when Mitt Romney called President Obama to concede the 2012 election? Remember the hour leading up to Rachel...
Chivas Sandage takes the readers of the New Civil Right Movement on a tour of an ascendantly queer America in 2013 post Barack Obama’s re-election This is...
The Drudge Report, home to the worst of the mainstream GOP and the Tea Party, tonight posted the above image as its splash. What the hell...
It’s the day of the election. You’re probably tired of reading yet another post about why it’s so important that every one of us eligible voters...
James O’Keefe, the man whose name will forever be synonymous with cherry-picked, selectively-edited video that ignores facts and timelines in order to create the picture you...
On August 16, 2012, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank published an article in which he despicably alleged that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is as bad for...
➤Mark Regnerus (image, right,) author of the flawed anti-gay parenting “study,” is “sad” that his own university has opened an inquiry into his infamous “study,” thanks to New...
GOProud, the gay Republican Tea Party group, today “enthusiastically” endorsed de-facto Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, claiming the 65-year old is “light years better” than Barack Obama. Mysteriously,...
Anti-gay conservatives are to blame for the resignation of Richard Grenell (bio), Mitt Romney’s short-lived spokesperson for foreign policy and national security. It was assumed Grenell,...
Catholic Bishops in Uganda have issued a call to revive the “Kill The Gays” bill, after claiming it is necessary to protect marriage and the Bible....
A GOP lawmaker in Mississippi says that coat hanger abortions support “moral values,” and brags that his state was able to defeat Roe v. Wade, acknowledging...