Comments Draw National Attention To Issue Ignored By Much Of Mainstream Media
VIDEO: Watch top GOP theocrat Rick Santorum explain why religion mixed with government is a bad idea.
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has just endorsed a Republican presidential candidate who literally has stood with a pastor who calls for the biblical killing...
Buzzfeed is reporting that after an extensive search of documents from the Clinton White House, Hillary Clinton's claim that her husband's anti-gay legislation was to stave...
Rand Paul just reinforced his position on civil rights once again.
The much-rumored changes to MSNBC's lineup are about to take place. Here's the rundown.
Franklin Graham is apoplectic over the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage, and he want to make sure you know it.
Jon Stewart took a look at several of the 2016 presidential candidates, including Jeb Bush, who said he would have invaded Iraq as his brother George...
A conservative Idaho Republican lawmaker had to be educated by a medical doctor during a hearing on his anti-abortion bill.
Watch as Jon Stewart tells his audience he's leaving "The Daily Show" in a heartfelt speech.
U.S. Senator Rand Paul until recently was a longtime member of a fringe medical groups whose beliefs include AIDS denialism and autism is caused by vaccines.
The American Family Association pulled a fast one on America last night. Bryan Fischer was not fired from the AFA, no promises were made, no apologies...
The American Family Association, a certified anti-gay hate group, has fired its spokesperson, Bryan Fischer, but his replacement is even worse.
Former Republican governor Bob McDonnell is going to jail for a few years.
Anti-gay, anti-women, religious extremist, GOP former Governor Bob McDonnell was indicted on corruption charges after leaving office this year. In his federal trial this week, it's...