"See where the chips fall," says Nadler on the Mueller report
"A legal threat will continue to loom over the Trump presidency."
Graham is literally one of the first four, and one of the top Members of Congress who will be briefed by AG Barr on the Mueller...
'Nothing Short of That Will Suffice'
What, if any, of the Mueller report Barr will share publicly is the next waiting game.
"He lies even when it makes no sense to lie."
'I Just Won One of the Greatest Elections of All Time in the History of the Country' Trump Falsely Claims
"The significance of the episode to Mueller’s main probe...has yet to be fully explained."
President Furiously Attempts to Undermine Russia Probe
The resolution is not binding.
The special counsel may issue a second report.
Bigger than Watergate. Bigger than Clinton's. Bigger than Teapot-Dome. Biggest scandal ever.
Says investigation won't be over any time soon. If ever.
Stone posts image to Instagram, “Who framed Roger Stone,” suggesting he thinks he was framed.
"All of a sudden, they are trying to take you out with b*llsh*t."