150 people reportedly left the University of Notre Dame as Pence began speaking.
Sessions Early on Revered Obama Directive to End Private Prison Contracts • Reverses Obama-Era Guidance on Non-Violent Crime • First-Time Offenders Should Not Expect Leniency
'The Language Is Very, Very Strong'
Breach of Ethics?
Comments About Hawaii Spark Outrage • 'We Won't Succumb to Your Dog Whistle Politics'
Passenger's 'Face Was Bloody and He Seemed Disoriented' Witness Says
Here's What This Means
White House Denies
Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation Is a Form of Sex Discrimination
'Yes or No - Do You Believe That President Obama Did That?'
'The Irony Is Palpable'
Shortly After Being Hacked Himself, Pence Called Clinton 'The Most Dishonest Candidate for President Since Richard Nixon'
JCCs and Schools in 12 States Attacked Just Today 500 Headstones Overturned at a Jewish Cemetery on Saturday "A member of my family evacuated from a...
'They Spread Themselves Out. They Ask Questions. They All Cheer When the Questions Are Asked' - Marco Rubio
'Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Donald Trump Has Got to Go'