"President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency," Graham charges.
The Court upholds an Indiana law that was signed by then-Governor Mike Pence.
Calls Commander-in-Chief "a child of a multi-millionaire" who pretended "to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."
Pence told graduates to "be prepared to stand up," but some had already had – and walked out.
"It is the nature of grotesque things that you can't look away."
Since January of this year alone there are Bible study or instruction bills in at least 14 states.
"Graham’s perspective on homosexuality has been pushed to the fringe."
Even Laura Ingraham was a bit shocked.
"I’m not condemning anyone, I’m not the judge," Graham now says.
According to NRA members attending the organization’s annual convention in Indianapolis, leaders of the embattled gun rights group have lost their way and sense of mission,...
According to the conservative, Graham elevated the profile of the South Bend, Indiana mayor — and in a good way for the Democrat.
Apparently, Franklin Graham thinks the only ones who need to repent are Bill Clinton and gay people like Pete Buttigieg.
"My problem is when those religious beliefs are used as an excuse to harm other people,” Buttigieg charges.
"Pete Buttigieg doesn't get to make up his own Christianity," Dr. Piper writes, in a newspaper founded by a man believes he is the second coming...
Pence is actually the one dishonoring Buttigieg's First Amendment rights – of religion snd of free speech.