With an Eye on Justice and Transparency Obama Sets Up Game of Chess for Assange and Trump
Very Few Americans Want Obamacare Repealed in Full
One of America's Leading Anti-LGBT, Anti-Immigrant Religious Conservatives
Republicans' Plan to Pull the Plug on Obamacare With No Replacement Moves Forward
New Report Contends FBI Director's Interference in Election Swayed Voters to Trump
GOP Marks for Death All the Parts of the Affordable Care Act Trump Promised to Keep
Tillerson Delivers Blanket Statement Denouncing Violence and Discrimination
Trump Secretary of State Nominee Isn't Quite Sure if Registering People of One Religion Is a Good or Bad Idea
Civil Rights Icon Breaks With Tradition to Denounce Trump Nomination for Attorney General
'Regardless of the Station We Occupy; We Have to Try Harder'
"America is not the project of any one person. Because the single most powerful word in our democracy is the word 'We.' 'We The People.' 'We...
'I Apologize to Those Who Were Impacted by the Practices of the Past'
Make Your Voice Heard!
Even GOP Governors and Lawmakers Want Repeal Efforts to Slow
Streep's Speech Denounced Disrespect and Violence