Trump Claims He’s Made ‘Tremendous Strides’ Battling ‘School Violence’
Trump praised Karen Pence's work at a school that bans LGBT people and promised to protect adoption agencies that discriminate against LGBT parents.
Meadows was a "key force in pressuring the Trump administration to enact its transgender military ban," says GLAAD.
'Bogus Personas to Target and Sway 5,000 Delegates'
Trump Being Praised as 'The Most Pro-Life, Pro-Religious Liberty, and Pro-Conservative Judiciary President in History'
Some Students Are Taught Gay Rights Are 'Moral Evils' by Private Schools Bullied LGBTQ Students Are Supposed to Turn to if They're Being Bullied
A Clearly Emotional Press Secretary Had No Actual Answers
Gavin Grimm started fighting his school board when he was 15. A year later he sued them. He's now 19, and today he won.
"Faith in America is rising again because President Trump and our entire administration have been advancing the very principles that you learned here," Pence claims.
Rather than fight a single federal judge's controversial ruling the Trump administration leaped to roll back protections for transgender people.
"The government’s job is to 'quell evil'." "Entitlement programs have no 'biblical authority'."
Anti-Gay Hate Group and Anti-LGBT Activists Invited to White House Forum
The White House is hosting a forum Thursday afternoon its calling “Generation Next,” and it will feature some anti-LGBT speakers and panel members. (The event has...
Trump falsely claims 'not much political support' on raising age to 21 on gun purchases
'I'm Not Here to Give Rick Scott a Girl Scout Cookie for Showing Up to Work'