A major new study finds adults who were bullied as children experience negative effects on their physical, emotional, and economic well-being well into middle age, almost forty years later. Researchers...
Of the more than 317 million people in America, the number of those who are either atheists, agnostics, or don’t subscribe to any particular religion is...
An anti-gay hate group leader who was barred entry into Canada has won his appeal and will be allowed into the country. Peter LaBarbera, the leader...
Peter LaBarbera is claiming that Canada has barred him from entering their country because they believe he will violate their hate speech laws. Unlike the United...
For Easter, ABC News’ “This Week” hosted three top evangelical Christian leaders who spent a good portion of the segment obsessing over homosexuality, bashing gay people, and...
This might make you shed a tear. Remember the beautiful Honey Maid TV commercial that featured a same-sex couple raising a two sons, and an interracial couple...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Mark Regnerus, the man whose name seems to have become synonymous with bad research, was allowed to deliver testimony in federal court today...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Attorneys for same-sex couples who won the right to marry last month have met a deadline imposed by Supreme Court Justice Sonia...
Target (NYSE:TGT) came under fire yesterday after Right Wing Watch reported the big box discount retailer contributed $50,000 this year to the Republican Governors Association. Target in 2010...
George Zimmerman’s father just published an e-book this week, Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of My Son, George, apparently timed to coincide with the murder...
Stayce Driskell, Lisa Taj McCellon, and their children, Lilyan, 11, Sophia, 9, and Jackson, 7. There’s nothing in New Mexico’s Constitution that would prevent same-sex couples from...
The Boy Scouts of America‘s historic decision today, to allow gay scouts, although not gay adults, is another huge milestone in the march for equality. RELATED:...
Today, a civil unions bill passed through a Colorado senate committee. On Monday, Pastor Kevin Swanson warned that if Colorado allows civil unions for same-sex couples,...
As you almost surely know, the Supreme Court will shortly hear oral arguments on two cases of monumental importance to the LGBT rights movement: Windsor v....
Dr. Ben Carson has officially decided he will decline Johns Hopkins’ invitation to be this year’s commencement speaker after his offensive comments became a major distraction...