"When you are overcome with feelings of powerlessness, this type of cartoonish, exaggerated force is often more important than true ability."
"These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul," says Ted...
Barr Wore a Nazi Uniform, Complete With Swastika Armband and Hitler Mustache
Will Trump Get the Message?
"No One Should Be Forced to Choose Between Helping Sick People and Living by One's Deepest Moral or Religious Convictions" Division's Chief Announces
Far More Democrats Concerned About Future of Nation Than Republicans
'Numerous Emails, Letters, and Postcards Expressing a Wide Variety of Views, Which We Have Treated as Amicus Briefs'
'Too Many LGBTQ Americans Are Denied the Full Equality They Deserve' DNC Chair Perez Says
'So-Called Homosexual Marriages'
Miller called the effort to equalize pay and close the wage gap a "grave concern."
Comet Ping Pong Gunman Pleads Guilty
Anti-Gay Christian Warrior, Married and Divorced four Times, Embroiled in Divorce and Pain Killer Scandal
OP-ED: "What we struggle against is a system that unrepentantly disenfranchises people of color, women, the queer community, religious minorities, and the poor. This is not...
Responding to the Impending Trump-Induced LGBT Health Crisis
Franklin Graham's Organizations Have Received Over $100,000 From Trump's Foundation