Yesterday, a minority of Senators successfully filibustered a bipartisan bill that would have expanded background checks to close the gun show loophole. Nine out of ten...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; First, there were the birthers. Now, there are the seceders. Over the past few days news has swept the nation that there’s...
Republican senators are fighting Democrats over expanding the Violence Against Women Act because the new version would extend the law to cover lesbians in same-sex relationships and...
At today’s Senate  DOMA debate, Republicans wasted no time in attacking the Democrats’ repeal efforts, citing ludicrous arguments about procreation and religion. Equally offensive, Republicans are...
The DOMA repeal bill, known as the “Respect for Marriage Act,” was debated in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning and passed by a 10-8 vote. Supporters and sponsors...
GOP Senators today banded together today in a concerted but failed attempt to kill the federal judgeship nomination of Alison Nathan, a lesbian jurist whose law...
Tony Perkins’ certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit kicks off Friday morning, and runs all weekend long, October 7-9. Watch live streaming...
The Republicans claim to care so much about our nation’s troops, yet spend their time voting against funding our military, voting against giving our service members...
The U.S. Senate, in large part thanks to GOP Senators John McCain, Jeff Sessions, and James Inhofe, just voted to not move the National Defense Authorization...
Votes To Remove $1.75 Billion F-22 Funding From Bill In Face Of Presidential Veto Threat Moments ago the U.S. Senate voted to remove funding for the...
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions: “American People Might Feel A Big Concern” Â Republican Double Speak is in full force. Yesterday, Jeff Sessions, who just replaced Arlen...