Roland Martin, the CNN contributor who during the Super Bowl on Sunday advocated violence against gays, after a scantily-clad David Beckham appeared in an H&M ad...
35 major organizations, from the AFL-CIO to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, from  HRC and GLAAD to the ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights,...
Confidential court documents created by NOM, the National Organization For Marriage were unsealed and obtained yesterday by HRC, the Human Rights Campaign. These documents reveal a...
A long-time White House “reporter” is linking the recent pedophilia cases, like Penn State and the L.A. schoolteachers to homosexuality, and is attacking gay rights organizations...
I like Trevor Thomas. Trevor first came on my radar when he was working for SLDN, working to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Remember all those “Stories...
Heather Wilson, a New Mexico Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate told supporters that a proposed anti-bullying bill is unconstitutional because children who haven’t reached puberty don’t...
Amendment One just passed by a huge margin in North Carolina. Below are statements by groups against the constitutional amendment that bans same-sex marriage and all...
HRC, the Human Rights Campaign, this afternoon released a statement blasting Heather Wilson, a New Mexico Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate who last week told supporters that...
Rick Santorum is so anti-gay and homophobic today at a campaign stop in a Wisconsin bowling alley he told an unidentified young man, “Friends don’t let friends...
Tanya Domi and Clinton Fein met 20 years ago when acclaimed author Randy Shilts was writing his tour de force book, “Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians...
Paul Yandura was a consummate Washington, D.C. insider — in the early ’90s he debuted as an intern for then-House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt and went on...
Gautam Raghavan, the new Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, and White House LGBT liaison, just sent this email, “White House...
Lance Bass already knows his comments while guest co-host of this morning’s Access Hollywood are going to land  him in some serious trouble. This morning, on-air on...
Via a press release:  New Yorkers United for Marriage today issued the following statements on Mayor Bloomberg’s speech encouraging the State Legislature to pass marriage...
Julian Bond, the former chairman of the NAACP, and the first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, supports same-sex marriage equality, as he discusses in this...