Kushner's Finances and Business Dealings Now Under Scope of Russia Probe
Attorney Formerly Representing Tom DeLay
Also Attacks 'Crooked' Hillary Clinton
'I Meant It Literally'
'You Are Witnessing the Single Greatest WITCH HUNT in American Political History'
'Phony Story"
Remember Trump Calling on 'The Second Amendment People' to Stop Hillary Clinton? Now Republicans Are Blaming the 'Rhetoric' From Democrats for the Shooting of a GOP...
'It's Going to Be in My Pocket From This Day Forward'
Trump: Suspect 'Has Now Died From His Injuries'
'I Can Only Hope the Democrats Tone Down the Rhetoric' Says Chris Collins
'Where Is Their Apology to Me?'
Suggests He Will Appeal To The Supreme Court
Here's What You Need to Start Your Day
'It Would Be a Bombshell of Epic Proportions' Says CNN's Erin Burnett
"We owe it to those in Orlando to become the voices they lost."