Trump's latest Twitter tantrum also attacked Democrats, provoked Republicans and defended Trump Jr.
Trump Praises Spicer's 'Great Television Ratings'
'Bring It. You're an Inherited-Money Dude From Queens County. Bring It, Donald. Bring It.'
'Daily Show' Posts Hilarious 'R.I.P.' Memorial
'Vehemently' Objected to Appointment of New Communications Director
Obama Attorney General Holder Warns Trump
Hundreds of Protestors Rally to Oppose Secretary of Education
'In America, We Don't Worship Government, We Worship God' Trump Says
John K. Bush's Wife on Board of Group That Raised Millions for Senate GOP Majority Leader McConnell
'Special Counsel Is Taking an Overarching Approach'
'We Love This Job, We Love This Department'
Wants Lawmakers Removed From Office for 'Advancing a Threat to Democracy'
'Very Unfair to the President' Trump Cries
Twitter Busts Out in Mockery With #WeMayNeverKnow Tweets
Watch: Trump Invites Senators to Lunch, Threatens Them on Live TV, Demands They Repeal ObamaCare