The right-wing news has come up with “emails” that they say reveals a perjury trap was devised for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. In the early days...
In an exclusive interview with the Daily Beast, 27-year-old comedian and former USD student Abdulrahman Almutairi revealed that he was nearly kidnapped by a suspected agent...
A federal judge has just denied former Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn‘s request, and instead has scheduled his sentencing for next month. Flynn plead guilty...
There is "a dire threat to the rule of law in the country I love."
During his turn to question Inspector General Michael Horowitz today, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) didn’t really ask many questions, and instead chose to use his time...
Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham exploded in anger as he questioned Inspector General Michael Horowitz, demanding to know why the FBI did not notify then-candidate Donald...
Russia's attacks on the U.S. elections have never ended.
"If there is a single thing William Barr is an expert on, it is 'bad faith.'"
President Donald Trump is threatening the job of his hand-picked FBI director, Christopher Wray, for telling the truth about Monday’s Inspector General report. That report found...
In a stunning move Attorney General Bill Barr says he disputes a key finding in the Dept. of Justice’s Inspector General’s report on the Russia probe....
After becoming a vocal supporter of Trump on Fox News the president awarded him the top job at ICE.
Despite President Donald Trump ordering the Dept. of Justice to investigate the FBI amid false far right wing conspiracy theories the president himself has spread, the...
Parnas and Fruman allegedly laundered Russian money into the campaigns of several Republican politicians, including President Trump.
Barr has contacted officials in the UK and Australia, and made several trips to Italy to meet intelligence officials there.
Allegedly suggested targeting Beto O'Rourke.