'A Place to Gather and Learn From One Another'
'I Had the Privilege to Speak With Edie a Few Days Ago' - Former President Shares Personal Reflections on Same-Sex Marriage Icon
Obama Urged Trump to Guard America's 'Democratic Institutions and Traditions -- Like Rule of Law, Separation of Powers, Equal Protection and Civil Liberties'
"What I was worried about was, 'what are they going to write about me in 20 years?'"
'Regardless of the Station We Occupy; We Have to Try Harder'
Donald Trump and Michelle Obama Take Second Place
President and First Lady Campaign for Clinton
Officially Starts at 7:30 PM ET, Airing Live Now
President Tells Congressional Black Caucus Dinner It Will Be 'A Personal Insult' If African-American Community Doesn't Mobilize
'This Country Is a Very Sad Place. Please Do Something Fun. Wear a Tie-Dye Shirt and Shorts to Something Important'
'Not Simply About Legal Rights but About a Sense of Stigma'
Superior, Wisconsin's mayor refuses to retract an anti-Obama statement he made on Facebook, citing his right to free speech. Some on the city council disagree.
The Obamas will light the National Christmas Tree, and spend time with performers.
The First Family took time out to celebrate Halloween with young White House trick-or-treaters.
President Barack Obama today notes the passing of civil rights icon Julian Bond.