Texans — especially Texas women — today can breathe a temporary sigh of collective relief, knowing the ultimately U.S. law still works as it should —...
Docs show sociologist Mark Regnerus was fed talking points assuring his neutrality on marriage debate; recent actions suggest otherwise.  “You are a researcher, not an...
I have a dream of someday marrying the love of all my lives — in Texas. From Houston, I’ve also lived in Galveston several times and...
In a heartwarming email, a University of Texas swimmer came out to his teammates recently, and instead of rejection got “one of the greatest experiences” of...
We have been reporting on a politically-motivated hoax “study†of supposedly gay and lesbian parents, funded through the National Organization For Marriage-linked Witherspoon Institute and carried out by Mark Regnerus of the University...
Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas, Austin (UT) carried out a methodologically-bogus, deceptively and egregiously misnamed “gay parenting” study so blatantly in line with the anti-gay-rights National Organization for...
Congressman Allen West is about to be redistricted out of a job, and the Florida GOP is the one to blame. Or, thank. West, the Tea...
Rep. Allen West on Monday, on the ultra-right wing Tea Party blog Red State, wrote, “when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I...
Back in December, amid tremendous outrage from users over how the social media platform’s new owner was managing Twitter, Elon Musk posted a poll asking if...
Trump Trade Policy Partly to Blame A Republican U.S. Congresswoman from Florida is being criticized after tweeting a photo she says is “baby formula,” taken inside...
About the Same Number That Are Deployed in Iraq
'I saw a six-month-old baby, little girls, little boys,' Sen. Warren said. 'And they’re all on the concrete floors in cages.'
“I don’t believe any person is in any office that God has not allowed it to be there.”
Insurance company refused to pay for Texas woman's medically necessary procedure.
A former Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post reporter who is gay and undocumented has been detained in Texas by U.S. Border Patrol agents.