Republican Governor Wants to Ensure Transgender Students Are Not Treated Equally
'Major Lawsuit' Announcement Expected Today
State Dodges 'Education Train Wreck' With Defeat of Mary Lou Bruner
Texas GOP Politics Grow Increasingly Uglier - Republican Denies Allegations That He's 'Well Known' in Houston's Gay Bars
'I Am Not Gay and Never Have Been'
"Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. That is how he paid for...
Legal Experts Say Republican Justice of the Peace's Policy Violates Law
After Trump Boycotts Fox Debate Number Two Cruz Challenges Frontrunner To Debate 'Mano-A-Mano'
Birther 2.0? An 85-year old attorney says "natural born citizen" has never been defined, and only the Supreme Court can do so.
With Trigger-Happy Texans Publicly Packing Heat, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Party Chair Opposes Push To Hold Convention In Less LGBT-Friendly City - Leaders Aim To Revive Indiana-Style Religious Freedom Bills
Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott is all about protecting religious liberty - except when he's not.
Issue still divides former law school buddies.
On Saturday the right wing Tea Party group Texas Eagle Forum achieved its goal: support for so-called “ex-gay†or “reparative†therapy became an official plank of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The mayor of a small Texas town has shockingly signed an official proclamation making 2014 the “Year of the Bible.” Mayor Tom...