The compromise that created “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 1993 has led, seventeen years later, to a compromise promising its repeal. But the LGBT community right...
How many other issues are The American People this united on? CNN just today released a poll finding 78% of Americans, or “nearly 8 in 10...
Editor’s note: This guest post by Scott Wooledge was originally published at Daily Kos today and is published here with his permission. Scott Wooledge writes at...
OK. I’m going to share a slightly personal story here. Last night I had the honor of speaking to my former journalism teacher’s class about this...
Or so Conservatives think. It seems Conservatives are equal-opportunity oriented when it comes to spewing anger and hate at anyone who doesn’t vote exactly how they...
Who Will Denounce Joseph Stack’s Terrorism? This morning a man named Joseph Stack intentionally flew his plane into a government building in Austin, Texas. One person...
You Should, Too. A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court declared that money is speech. Well, finally, LGBTQ groups have decided to stop “speaking,” as it...
Despite all the momentum over the past few weeks (not to mention the huge focus this year!) is it possible that the vote to repeal “Don’t...
Alan van Capelle, the man who ran New York State’s most powerful and well-recognized LGBTQ activist organization, has resigned to become deputy comptroller for external affairs...
I know, amazing, isn’t it. Harold Ford, the Blue-Dog-Democrat, the Chair of the right-wing Democratic Leadership Council, the man who ran in Tennessee against gays and...
Here are links to some of the stories I wish I could write about, or write even more about, but just don’t have the time… Much...
There. I said it. Like so many Americans with at least half a brain, I am sick to death of ignorant, stupid jackasses who think they...
Gay Marriage Under Attack In New Hampshire. Shortly after 5:00 PM on June 3, 2009, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch signed a gay marriage bill into...
Log Cabin “Republicans” Forget They Can’t Get “Married.” The election of Scott Brown yesterday has given every press release writer yet another assignment. The Log Cabin...