At a political rally in Wheeling, West Virginia, President Trump claimed that he "fell in love" with Kim Jong-un.
Experts agree attacking and working to muzzle the free press is a hallmark of fascism.
'If You Support Him, Then You’re Supporting That, and You Are That. It’s That Simple'
It’s Difficult to Narrow Down the Craziest Moments From the Trump Press Conference, But Here Are Seven of the Nuttiest Moments
BBC Captured and Shared Video
It Cannot Be Understated Just How False This Claim Is
Joint Military Exercises With South Korea Have Been Going on Since 1950's
He Says He Didn't Sleep for 25 Hours Before He Gave the Rambling Press Conference
'Think of It From a Real Estate Perspective'
Should the State Dept. be attacking the American press, especially overseas?
'There’s a Special Place in Hell for Any Foreign Leader That Engages in Bad Faith Diplomacy With President Donald J. Trump' Navarro Says, 'And That Comes...
Kim Jong-un "must not see American weakness," Kudlow said, shaking his jowls in a very Nixonian fashion.
'Only the Fake News Says That'
Trump Thinks He Can Succeed in the North Korea Talks With Kim-Jong-Un Merely Through His Personality
Falsely Claims Democrats Are Saying 'MS-13 Thugs Must Be Nurtured'