"You didn't have Republicans questioning whether or not Obama legitimately beat John McCain in 2008," Reince Priebus Says
Congressman Accused of 'Outrageous Thuggish Behavior'
President-Elect Again Falsely Claims Hacking Didn't Affect Election Results
CNN Chief National Security Correspondent Says Meeting Was Not Scheduled for Today
"This Kind of Greeting is the Mark of a Soulless Man, Consumed by Narcissism"
But Trump Has Now Effectively Announced He Is Responsible for All Similar Measures, Could Haunt Him Going Forward
'The World Was Gloomy Before I Won," President-Elect Claims
'The Left Wants Power Taken Away From the White Establishment' O'Reilly Complains
President-Elect Complains Of Threats, Suggests Double Standard
Trump Supporter Claims 'PRESIDENT-ELECT TRUMP hasn't been sworn in yet & hes saved more jobs than Obama the apologist did in 8yrs!'
Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Also Attended
"Unprecedented Step" "Breathtaking Lapse in Judgment" "Astonishingly Cavalier Attitude Towards Our Nation's Most Sensitive Secrets"
'An Episode Reminiscent of Watergate'
"All of These Liars Will Be Sued After The Election Is Over," He Says
Even Far Right Conservatives Agree He 'Blew It'