'Virtually No President Has Accomplished What We Have Accomplished' Trump Also Claims
Laments 'Massive Debt' but Not a Word About the Human Suffering or All the Lives Lost
Graham-Cassidy 'Would End the Current Health Law's Guarantee That Sick People Won't Pay Higher Premiums'
'I Hope This Man Right Here, Rick Scott, Runs for the Senate' President Says
Sarah Sanders Calls for Firing of ESPN's Jemele Hill Despite Speech Being Constitutionally Protected
Trump Passes Responsibility on to Everyone Else
'Your Senator Claire McCaskill She Must Do This for You'
Ratings. Literally.
'All It Took Was 3 Days of Crushing Public Pressure'
'I Do Not Know of Anyone Else in the Campaign Who Did So'
'Vehemently' Objected to Appointment of New Communications Director
'Very Unfair to the President' Trump Cries
Spicer Is Getting Promoted?
Attorney General Feigns Outrage
'An Apparent Move to Shield Their Pre-Inauguration Discussions From Monitoring'