President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, condemned Donald Trump's racist remarks on immigration.
Resigns on Principle
'I Have a Wonderful Relationship With Haitians' Trump Insists
Trump Tries to Walk Back Racist Remarks
'Nope. Not Even Close.'
'I Seldom, if Ever, Watch CNN or MSNBC, Both of Which I Consider Fake News' Trump Claims
Donald Trump ally and former campaign advisor Roger Stone's Twitter account has been suspended following a Robert Mueller-induced meltdown, maybe permanently.
Former Fox News Host Loses Son Same Day He and Network Part Ways
'You Have the Class and Charisma of a Hot Pocket'
'Cloistered in the White House, He Now Has Little Access to His Fans and Supporters'
Trump in February 2015: 'I Don't Know Where He Was Born. I Would Like to See His College Records, I Think That's Important.'
'Donald Trump Is a Bigot. There's No Other Way to Get Around It'
'More Than One Conversation'
Former GOProud Leader Has Only One Actual Point, and It's False
Local Arkansas Reporter Mitchell McCoy Shares an Email From an Angry Viewer