NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is well-known for stealing. In the past it’s been copyrighted photographs, copyrighted magazine articles, and copyrighted music. More recently, it...
Mike Huckabee, an ordained Baptist Minister, is charging that President Obama never uses the words “God” or “Creator” when speaking to Americans or when “paraphrasing the...
Tim Scott, the Republican Congressman from South Carolina who today will be appointed to the U.S. Senate by Governor Nikki Haley to replace Jim DeMint, is...
Conan O’Brien has entered the Chick-Fil-A controversy, creating the Christian fast food giant’s latest “mascot,” Chaz the Intolerant Chicken. (Of course, it’s not really Chick-Fil-A’s mascot.) “Eat up,...
UPDATE: Despite her name appearing as a speaker on Friday just before 12:15 PM at the Values Voters Summit, as the screenshot above, shows, the Romney...
Glenn Beck, pointing to Martin Luther King, Jr., says that he has the “righteous calling” to lead “the New Civil Rights Movement,” and lead America away...
“Bully,” a film controversial film only because of an antiquated MPAA rating system, will now be released April 13 with a PG-13 rating, after over a...
The Michele Bachmann Republican presidential campaign stands accused of stealing the email list from a Christian homeschooling network, which, perhaps coincidentally, has a board member who...
A Right Wing extremist and pundit named Molotov Mitchell has just released a video — that’s gone viral quickly — which attacks GOP front-runner Newt Gingrich...
Yom Kippur is the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is a day when you can find even the most secular of Jews in...
Michele Bachmann’s memoir will be published in November, although it currently does not have a title. In the book, which many assume was ghost-authored, Bachmann reportedly...
Scrubbing Atlas Shrugs? Pamela Geller, head of the certified hate group Stop Islamization of America, runs an anti-Islam Tea Party site called Atlas Shrugs. Apparently, Geller...
Michele Bachmann is the first — and so far, the only — Republican to sign a controversial “Marriage Vow” in which presidential candidates are asked to pledge...
Tonight’s GOP presidential debate will feature seven Republican presidential hopefuls. Here’s the lowdown on who is participating in the debate, and details. Who:Â Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN),...
It was a week that began with a yawn, thanks to one of the most boring, least gay, and least political Oscar shows in memory –then...