Minutes ago the Ninth Circuit upheld Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. It’s time to rally to show your support for marriage equality,...
A five-year old girl who answered her door found a Charlton, Massachusetts police officer tasked with retrieving overdue library books. The girl, Hailey Benoit, cried, said...
Tony Perkins admitted on CNN yesterday that he has never even been to the home of a same-sex couple. Following in the footsteps of Dan Savage,...
Embattled first-term Troy, Michigan Mayor Janice Daniels — famous for writing on Facebook an anti-gay slur in response to news New York had passed a marriage...
Anti-gay activist organization Minnesota For Marriage today released an email stating, “The Green Giant, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Kix, and Trix have all declared war on...
Andrew Sullivan applauded Sarah Palin’s decision to not run for the presidency last night. Sullivan, the conservative author who blogs at The Daily Beast, took the...
The Obama Administration has elected to split up a binational same-sex couple by deporting an Australian man, the legal husband of an HIV-positive U.S. citizen. Earlier...
The GOP is gutting food from the mouths of poor Americans, and Obama, moving ever right, doesn’t have the guts to stand up to them, all...
Rep. Allen West is really, really, really mad at DNCC Chair and fellow House member, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and he’s telling. Specifically, Rep. Allen West,...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today delivered remarks commemorating International Human Rights Day at a conference in Geneva. Secretary Clinton, also in Lithuania today, included support for the LGBT...
Via a press release:  New Yorkers United for Marriage today issued the following statements on Mayor Bloomberg’s speech encouraging the State Legislature to pass marriage...
A Texas state board of education Republican seeking re-election has come out as gay, and immediately lost the endorsement of a Texas political activist known for...
San Francisco District 8, Castro Supervisor, Scott Wiener has released an ugly blueprint: an ordinance in search of a problem that threatens to turn the Castro...
  VETERANS DAY, 2011 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Today, our Nation comes together to honor our veterans and...
Americans Actually Aren’t As Right-Wing As The Right Wing Thinks, And Bad News For The Tea Party A new Washington Post poll finds that Americans are...