The religious right is spewing hate and lies, claiming that two ministers are being forced to marry same-sex couples--even claiming the ministers have been arrested. How...
Today religious activists, including the nation's top anti-gay legal organization, got a large number of students to pray at school - beneath the flag. How many...
With just hours to spare, the full U.S Supreme Court has just halted all Virginia same-sex marriages that were slated to begin tomorrow.
Originally issued earlier this week with 17 signatories, a letter offering support to the family of Michael Brown has grown dramatically. Read the full letter and...
Just hours after the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that same-sex couples can marry next week, anti-gay attorneys announced they will ask the Supreme Court...
Seventeen LGBT organizations have signed onto a letter demonstrating support for the family of Michael Brown, the unarmed Black teenager who was shot to death by...
The esteemed Pew Research Center has a new interactive survey of 23 short, quick questions. And them and find put where your beliefs land.
Enduring 24 hours of attacks from many in the the LGBT community after eight LGBT legal and civil rights groups withdrew support for ENDA, HRC lays...
The vice president of one of the nation’s top and most-active anti-gay organizations is attacking the pro-LGBT campaign of concerned Mississippi small business owners. Earlier this month,...
The federal government will recognize the marriages of the 322 same-sex couples who wed in Michigan last Saturday after a federal judge found that state’s marriage...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; After five full days of increasingly heated rhetoric and debate enveloping America’s national conversation, Republican governor Jan Brewer tonight put an end...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Speaking about Arizona‘s wide-sweeping anti-gay bill, SB 1062, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo this morning was forced to explain to a representative of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; After hearing over four hours of explanation and testimony, a Republican-led Indiana House committee has just advanced a bill that would place...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It was less than a year ago that the name Dave Agema drew national attention — and outrage. Agema had posted on...
Dan Savage is furthering his campaign to boycott all Russian vodkas in response to Vladimir Putin‘s war on gays, ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in...