Christian Couple Received Half a Million Dollars in Donations
Both Members of GOP Ticket to Speak Friday at Annual Values Voter Summit
'More Than One Conversation'
Family Research Council President Demands 'Every School Board in America Refuse to Sacrifice the Safety of Their Children'
Anti-LGBT Evangelical Activist Says School Districts Are Controlled by Wicked, Evil Gays and Lesbians
Republican Leaders Allege President Obama Is Exposing Children to 'Exploitation at the Hands of Sexual Predators'
After not paying state-ordered damages since July, the Sweet Cakes By Melissa bakers claim the government cleaned out their bank accounts.
Mike Huckabee, who has been waging a harsh war against the LGBT community this week, will address like-minded conservatives. Watch live now.
Religious right GOP presidential candidates are using Kim Davis' incarceration to gain ground with their Christian conservative base.
Rowan County clerk Kim Davis tells Fox News she will never compromise her Christian beliefs.
Franklin Graham is apoplectic over the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage, and he want to make sure you know it.
Watch as Jon Stewart hysterically celebrates the removal of the Confederate flag from states and stores.
Tiptoeing around anarchy, Mike Huckabee says Christians only have one real choice if the Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage.
President Barack Obama intentionally used a racial slur in a podcast interview discussing racism, and the right is going ballistic. Fortunately, liberals, and even a few...
A Fox News commentator and religious right activist is calling New York City's decision to include two Muslim holidays on its school calendar "discrimination."