Todd Starnes is getting more exposure over at Fox News. Officially the “host of Fox News & Commentary,” and “heard on hundreds of radio stations,” Starnes...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, in an email to supporters late last night decided to label the highly-respected Southern Poverty...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Jon Stewart last night looked into what was behind the paranoia that created the environment allowing Arizona lawmakers to pass the so-called...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Fox News religion “reporter” Todd Starnes had a meltdown last night during the Grammys, as Queen Latifah married 33 same-sex and opposite-sex couples...
Welcome to the world of Todd Starnes, the radical religious right, and Fox News “journalism.” Todd Starnes is Fox News‘ religion reporter. He appears on the...
After a mere eight day “indefinite hiatus,” Phil Robertson has been reinstated by A&E and will appear on all future episodes of “Duck Dynasty.” The 67-year...
The latest faux outrage brouhaha being peddled by right wing hate and fear merchants is one slide from an unofficial U.S. Army Reserve training course on...
Sarah Palin is venting her unbridled rage about President Barack Obama by turning to the radical religious right’s man at Fox News, Todd Starnes. The Fox News...
Yesterday Politico, the news organization devoted only to inside-the-beltway readers, put together this selection of tweets from some top politicians and journalists, and threw Breitbart’s Ben...
Bryan Fischer says the fact that Jason Collins is gay “proves” that people are not born that way. Fischer notes that Collins has a twin brother who...
The number of conspiracy-fueled anti-government “patriot” groups has increased more than 900% since President Barack Obama‘s election in 2008, growing from 149 to 1360. These groups...
Stacey Campfield has succeeded in forcing the University of Tennessee to pull funding for a planned sex education week. The state senator known for his homophobia,...
A Fox News Radio article, in an attempt to both politicize and religicize 9/11,  is attacking President Obama because his 9/11 proclamation does not include the word “God.” Recognizing...
Rachel Maddow, always far more reserved and professional than her “peers,” at say, Fox, last night revealed her ire over the GOP’s fake “War on Christmas,”...
The Trump campaign is under fire after falsely accusing a prominent Democratic Congressman of calling for the president to be hanged. Speaking on CNN, House Majority...