Comedian and "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) alum Will Ferrell returned to host this weekend's episode of the popular sketch comedy show - and he brought an...
Attorney Formerly Representing Tom DeLay
'Wow, Maybe @RealDonaldTrump Has Found the 400 Pound Hacker!'
Family Values? Former Second Lady of the United States Whose Daughter Is a Lesbian Throws Support to Most Anti-Gay Candidate Running
Former President George H.W. Bush has harsh words for the engineers of his son's wars.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the man who admitted the House Benghazi Committee was created to take down Hillary Clinton, has just dropped out of the race for...
President Obama is a comedic genius, and Saturday night was one of his best performances.
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Convention that kicks off today, apparently has made an error in putting the right photo with the right speaker.
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil rights legacy was enshrined into law when Martin Luther King, Jr. Day became a federal holiday. Meet the nine current members...
A Wyoming lawmaker who is also a pastor is sponsoring a bill that would allow anyone to discriminate against gay people in order to not violate...
The Editorial Board of the NY Times today is calling for the President and Attorney General to investigate and prosecute those responsible for torture, and they're...
The gang at Fox News pulled out all the stops today to make sure conservatives believe that the Senate torture report is a political distraction.
A new poll finds the majority of Americans are sick and tired of hearing Sarah Palin weigh in on issues and would like to hear less...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Top GOP strategist Mary Matalin on Sunday defended Vladimir Putin and his anti-gay laws. The Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Cheney...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Tea Party Republican Liz Cheney, daughter of the former Vice President, has just announced she is quitting her campaign to become Wyoming’s...