Bryan Fischer, who spends his days talking about the “evils” of homosexuality (you know what they say about homophobes…) talks with a psychology professor who states...
Tony Perkins, the homophobic, hate-mongering president of the certified hate group, the Family Research Council, is grasping at straws over Gallup’s latest poll on same-sex marriage, the...
(Note: above email was corrected to read “without” editing. No one’s perfect!) Regular readers know that last Friday, after two posts highlighting American Family Association’s American...
A tweet by “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” repeal poster boy Lt. Dan Choi this morning reminded me of the landmark 1996 study that plainly states, “Homophobia...
If you want American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer to finally be quiet on issues of homosexuality, you’ll have to accept his world view on the topic....
President Obama yesterday declared “unconstitutional” the Defense of Marriage Act, also known as DOMA, and said he and the DOJ would no longer defend the fifteen-year...
AFA, the anti-gay hate group “American Family Association” announced it is starting yet another boycott, this time of retailer The Home Depot, claiming “The Home Depot...
Every year around the Holidays the radical religious right and their minions attack Barack Obama and his family, claiming the President is waging a war on...
One News Now, the “news” site run by the American Family Association, a certified hate group led by Bryan Fischer, today has a poll that asks,...
The hate group that is the extremely anti-gay American Family Association is headed by the infamous Bryan Fischer, and Bryan Fisher says, “We have feminized the...
Who Will Be Left To Fight For America And Our Values? “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not...
Tiffany Trump, the First Family’s youngest daughter, is being highly criticized after headlining a disastrous and offensive “LGBTQ pride” campaign event for her father, in which...
MSNBC Should Be Ashamed for Giving a Platform to an Anti-LGBT Hate Group Leader
Rick Santorum's fear-mongering and hate-mongering stopped getting him elected long ago. Now he's using them to push his latest "Christian" film.