“Pelosi is playing checkers. Trump is playing chess,” David Brody said.
"We're all out of hamberders. just serving hamburgers today."
There is no legal way to give that money to Trump to build a wall.
The rebranding clearing is not working.
“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other...I will shut down the government.”
"I did say earlier that the only person who would the job is someone with No Self Respect."
"I take great solace in knowing that you realize how much trouble you are in."
"When you really want Daddy to give you a pardon."
Others Openly Laugh as Trump Unexpectedly Walks Away
'It's Clear You Haven't Put Much Effort Into Reporting or Really Even Thinking Deeply'
Paper Claims It Was Hacked
Calls Congressional Power to Subpoena Information 'What They Do in Third World Countries' (Literally What They Don't Do in 'Third World' Countries)
'What Kind of Monsters Ask Questions in an Interview??? '