The House Republicans’ impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden was dealt another significant blow when former Giuliani aide Lev Parnas, known as his Ukraine “fixer,” during...
Attorneys for Donald Trump reportedly have been notified the ex-president is a target of a criminal investigation into his handling of classified documents. The ex-president denies...
Leigh Wambsganss, Patriot Mobile’s Vice President of Government and Public Affairs and Executive Director of Patriot Mobile Action, the far-right wing political action committee of the...
Donald Trump wrote what appears to be a panicked post on his Truth Social account Thursday morning, attacking his detractors, pointing to what he claims are...
Overnight Donald Trump‘s handpicked representative to the National Archives published a letter that made major revelations in the case of the former President’s retention of and...
Former President Donald Trump reportedly released a new document very late Monday night that legal experts believe is incredibly damning. Far-right writer John Solomon, who is...
The U.S. Dept. of Justice served Donald Trump with a grand jury subpoena months before the FBI raided the former President’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday, according to...
The attorney for Giuliani henchman Lev Parnas says his client is prepared to name top Trump administration officials, including the president, vice president, and the attorney...
Nunes "could be tied to effort to dig up Biden dirt."
Not 'Top Secret'