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State Lawmaker Compared Homosexuality to Pedophilia While Speaking to GSA Students



Lynn Hutchings in a campaign advertisement

Wyoming Equality has accused Wyoming State Senator Lynn Hutchings of comparing homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality during a meeting last week with students from Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) members from across the state. 

10 students from the Cheyenne Central High School Gay Straight Alliance requested a meeting with Hutchings, with the goal of discussing HB 230, the Enhancing Quality Employment Law. The bill would have given workplace protections to LGBTQ people, but died in the House on Monday. Students intended ask Hutchings to support the bill.

According to the complaint letter Wyoming Equality sent to State Senate President Drew Perkins, Hutchings did meet with the students, but said that she was unfamiliar with the bill in question. 

After students explained that the bill would protect against discrimination in the workplace involving sexual orientation and gender identity, Hutchings compared such protections to sexual promiscuity, including pedophilia and bestiality.

According to the complaint letter, Hutchings said, “If my sexual orientation was to have sex with all of the men in there and I had sex with all of the women in there and then they brought their children and I had sex with all of them and then brought their dogs in and I had sex with them, should I be protected for my sexual orientation?”

Students attempted to clarify the issue with the senator, but she was unwilling to listen further. The students and a teacher quickly left the Senator after she attempted to “fist bump” with the students, and hugged one of them.

Hutching, who ran on a platform that included mention of “Wyoming’s Traditional Values” — language typically associated with a right-wing, conservative platform — has been critical of LGBTQ people before.

In 2013, during a debate over a LGBTQ-inclusive domestic partnership bill, Hutchings claimed that being gay was harmful to the mind spirit, and body, and claimed that being gay was “a choice,” contrasting it to being Black.

“Science does not evidence a genetic involvement to homosexuality.,” said Hutchings, who is Black. “It is but a choice. Being black is involuntary, it is not a choice. Homosexuals may choose who they want to be.”

Wyoming Equality is seeking an apology. 

“The Central High School students and their sponsor deserve a clear, direct apology and clarification that Senator Hutchings behavior was unacceptable and inappropriate of an adult and elected official,” the said in the complaint letter.

Image via screen capture from video source.

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‘Superman Loves Louis Lane’: Trump-Loving Lawmaker Tweets Hilarious Typo in Anger Over New Bisexual Comic Book Storyline



It’s official. There will be a bisexual Superman. And just as quickly as the news was announced homophobic conservatives went into overdrive.

The Superman is not Clark Kent but his son, Jonathan Kent, whose mother is Lois Lane, not Louis Lane, for those keeping track.

The New York Times reports Jonathan “will soon begin a romantic relationship with a male friend, DC Comics announced Monday.” The reporter posted a “photo” of the new couple:

Meanwhile, Arizona Republican state Senator Wendy Rogers was apparently so triggered she tweeted, “Superman loves Louis Lane. Period. Hollywood is trying to make Superman gay and he is not.”

Her tweet also relied on a bigoted and homophobic lisp “joke,” saying, “Just rename the whole version Thooperman.”

Senator Rogers is a freshman lawmaker who was elected last year after running for office in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018, before finally winning in 2020.

She was far from the only right winger (her bio reads: “Conservative America First Pro-Trump Republican,” and “Air Force pilot, biz entrepreneur, homeschool mom. #MAGA“) who is outraged, but she is getting mocked the most for it.


Image via Facebook

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Students: We Were Attacked With Anti-LGBT Slurs, Told to ‘Go Back’ to Our Country, Kicked Out of Party for Being Gay



Two students studying at the University of Memphis in Tennessee say they were threatened with physical violence, taunted with homophobic slurs, told to go back to their home country, and ultimately kicked out of a party for being gay.

“We were just wanting to have a night out for fun,” Benjamin Buckley told WMC.

“He’s like, we’re being kicked out because we’re gay. I wasn’t sure if I should believe him, like is this some sort of joke,” Luke Chapman added.

The two men from England, studying in the U.S., attended an off-campus frat party where they say they were verbally attacked.

WMC reports the two young men “say several male students forcibly kicked them out of the house, pushing them into the rain because they are gay.”

“When he chucked us out it was something along the lines of, ‘you don’t belong here f*****,’” Chapman says.

“He was screaming at us and called us f***** and all these things. And he looked at me and said, ‘I’m going to beat the f*** out of you. I’m going to beat the life out of you,” said Buckley.

“He just went, ‘go back to Great Britain, f*****,’” said Chapman.

The University of Memphis is investigating the incident.

The students say they want those responsible held accountable, but also want to open a conversation about homophobia on campus.


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Anti-Gay Tomi Lahren Dragged for Trying to Use LGBTQ People as an Issue Against AOC and ‘The Squad’



Tomi Lahren, the Fox Nation host who’s been mocked as “white power Barbie,” could also be called anti-LGBT Tomi. Time and time again, often out of the blue, Lahren has railed against the LGBTQ community.

But now Lahren is getting slammed for a tweet she posted, trying to use LGBTQ people as an issue against the progressive Congresswomen known as “The Squad,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), Ayanna Pressley (MA), and Rashida Tlaib (MI).

Lahren posted a link to a Fox News article, “Palestinian Authority bans LGBTQ activities in West Bank, reports say.”

If Lahren were an LGBBTQ supporter, advocate, or ally, perhaps her taunt might have worked, a bit, but she’s not.

Just two weeks ago, after the El Paso and Dayton mass shooting massacres, Lahren tried to use the LGBTQ community to advance her extremist pro-gun agenda, claiming gun rights are gay rights. It bombed.

A month ago Lahren told World Cup champion Megan Rapinoe, that she’s actually not a hero.

Earlier this year Lahren stoked outrage when she lied, falsely claiming “The Left” says “we MUST be tolerant of Sharia Law” and “stoning of gays.”

And in February Lahren went ballistic – out of the blue slamming the LGBT community for “this ongoing and continual assault on masculinity and “attacking traditional men and marriage at every turn.”

So, it’s not surprising that Lahren got totally dragged Monday for her latest ignorant tweet.

Take a look:

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