"The president continues to defy the security guidance urged by his aides and followed by previous incumbents."
Giuliani was pushing false conspiracy theories and pressuring Ukraine while also pursuing deals on the side worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Giuliani suggests the federal government, headed by his client, is attempting to discredit him for the work he did for Trump.
“If you look at these documents you can understand why Mike Pompeo wouldn’t want Congress to have them."
Federal investigators are now probing the ties of the President’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, into Ukrainian energy projects, and if he stood to gain financially in...
Parnas was also reportedly carrying Trump straws sold on the president’s campaign website, along with large amounts of cash.
Law firms did not want to work for Giuliani.
“We need a few hundred thousand.”
Records could show just how much Secretary of State Pompeo is involved in President Donald Trump's extortion scheme.
Giuliani never registered as a foreign agent.
"Hinges in part on whether a foreign influence operation was trying to take advantage of Giuliani's business ties...to make inroads with the White House."
"I will not participate in an illegitimate, unconstitutional, and baseless 'impeachment inquiry,'" Giuliani tweeted.
"If they enforce it then we will see what happens."
"In terms of impeachable behavior, that is conduct that applies not just to the president but other high-ranking officers."
Bolton also called Giuliani "a hand grenade who’s going to blow everybody up."