President Donald Trump is going after Amazon, founded by Jeff Bezos, who – separately from his ownership of the mega-retailer – is also the owner of The...
"You mean ADMIRAL Ronny Jackson who BTW was also Obama’s doctor?"
On December 9, 2017 President Donald Trump devoted his weekly address to a jury’s not guilty verdict in the killing of Kate Steinle by an undocumented...
Frank Page, the former president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention, revealed this week that he decided to resign his position over a “morally inappropriate...
Marriage is the business of the two people in it, and no one else's. Shame on S.E. Cupp for thinking it's hers.
“I wanted to make sure the president was well aware” Kobach said. Aware of what?
Cuomo refuses to let Santorum make up false equivalencies about what the left and right are saying about the Parkland students and gun control.
"We need more Republicans in 2018 and must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court!" Trump tweeted, to the great concern of many who understand separation of powers.
Christian Broadcasting Network White House Correspondent David Brody says evangelical Christians are all in for Donald Trump because he has “been on a spiritual journey the past...
A former Disney Channel star was just hired by the Trump administration after interning in the White House. CNN reported Tuesday that Caroline Sunshine, best known for...
A just-released CNBC poll finds that less than one in three people have noticed President Donald Trump’s highly-touted tax cuts in their paychecks. The news puts...
President Donald Trump keeps getting rejected by lawyers he tries to hire to help him handle special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe — and now one prankster...
The National Rifle Association (NRA) acknowledged this week that it has moved money from accounts with foreign donation to accounts that are used for spending on...
Once again Betsy DeVos tried to visit a school without informing parents, and once again they found out and a protest was planned.
Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in a New York Times op-ed Tuesday is calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment. Stevens becomes...